[Conference] Life stories: an educational resource regarding contemporary mobility

Date : 16/05/2024
Lieu : Centre International Universitaire pour la Recherche (Hôtel Dupanloup), Orléans

Social mobility is an ongoing process in the era of globalization. Migrations and movements in general have become easier and more accessible due to fewer restrictions imposed on mobility and to the Internet social media that make it possible for people to move abroad. The recent conflicts (in Ukraine, in Syria) have led to changes in the behaviour and attitudes – with new arrivals. The anxiety among migrants is increasing and it is more difficult to build migrant social networks. Newly arrived? people are less prone to making new contacts and reluctant? to work on their own education. However, many migrants feel the urge tell their stories, they wish to identify their specific needs and have a say in organizing help and support for themselves. By accessing and hearing these individual life stories, teachers, social workers, administrative workers, psychologists, and researchers of educational processes can learn a lot about the needs of individuals, groups, communities and different generations of migrants and refugees. Considering the visible presence of transnational migrants in the region of Centre-Val de Loire, this event will help the local researchers, practitioners and authorities to understand newly-arrived migrants and help them deal with the challenges brought about by ongoing war conflicts in the sphere of social mobility and education.


  • Dr Aneta Slowik, LE STUDIUM Research Fellow / FIAS Programme
    FROM: University of Lower Silesia, Wroclaw – PL
    IN RESIDENCE AT: Research Team on Contexts and Education Actors (ÉRCAÉ), University of Orléans – FR
  • Prof. Philippe Bourdier, Research Team on Contexts and Education Actors (ÉRCAÉ ), University of Orléans – FR
  • Dr Geneviève Guetemme, RÉceptions et MÉdiations de LIttératures et de Cultures Étrangères et comparées (RÉMÉLICE) / University of Orléans – FR

This conference is organised in the framework of the FIAS Programme.

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