Cities and urban studies
Scientific director : Romeo Carabelli (CITERES)
Research fields 2012-2017 2018-2023 2024-2028

This research field involves many laboratories in various forms and its main subject is study of urban research as a field of research and the modalities for structuring it within the humanities and social sciences.
Scientific programme
The scientific programme of the “Cities and urban studies” research section is structured around five axes:
- Defining the city, the question of its limits and the modalities of urban expansion;
- The relationship between urban dynamics and social divisions in cities (i.e. forms of gentrification).
- The processes of valorization/devaluation of cities or urban sub-areas (i.e. their heritage);
- Marginal urban areas or interstices and the modes of public action they are subject to;
- The relations between law and the urban fabric (from land use rules in the ancient world to the most recent urban planning and regulation trends; the role of property; the influence of urban crime).
The “Cities and urban studies” axis plans to:
- Contribute to enhancing the visibility of research work into the city and urban studies carried out by research teams belonging to the Loire Valley MSH;
- Encourage debate on the place of urban studies in these team’s main disciplines through the presentation of research or thematic networks’ activities;
- Organize ambitious scientific events to promote the place of the Loire Valley MSH in this research field and to establish links with other teams, in France (particularly within the Houses of Human Sciences network) and abroad;
- Host foreign researchers likely to contribute to collective study.
- Support young researchers, particularly doctoral students, working on these themes;
- Provide a meeting space for researchers and urban intervention professionals.