Contact for the Atelier Numérique (Digital Workshop): Laurence Rageot

In 2012, the Loire Valley House of Human Sciences created a Digital Workshop named “Atelier numérique” to support decision-making and digital aspects of the MSH laboratories’ research projects.
Its work is based on the networking of skills and pooling resources and knowledge related to digitization, processing, archiving, publication, promotion and transfer of research data and digital productions from the humanities and social sciences.
The Workshop can offer a range of resources (data, tools, skills) for the collection, processing and enhancement of digital data (textual, sound and musical, iconographic, statistical and spatial) and provides researchers and doctoral students with computer equipment. It maintains digital know-how of the networks and consortia created in HSS Research Infrastructures (National Network of Houses of Human Sciences and Huma-Num).
It provides digital services, training in digital corpus editing and web tools and organizes a seminar called “Digital practices in the HSS“.
The Workshop can provide support for planning and organizing digital projects to help researchers find their way around the digital landscape and also suggests solutions adapted to the different formats researchers work with – text, image, sound, video, 3D, etc.
- Helping laboratories and teams to implement the various stages of a digital project: the digitization of data, structuring data, choosing processing tools, data dissemination and long-term archiving.
- Guiding researchers towards existing know-how at the MSH and its laboratories.
- Advising laboratories in their choice of data hosting and archiving solutions.
The aim of this service is to support researchers and project teams by providing advice and expertise rather than to manage or administer a project itself.
The Atelier Numérique also provides a space for the dissemination, promotion and transfer of digital projects constructed in MSH laboratories.
An evolving offer of services: this offer may evolve according to requirements and the acquisition of skills or equipment at the MSH and its laboratories.