[conférence] Ephemeral Media of Knowledge: Perspectives From Intellectual History and the Digital Humanities
Date : Du 22/05/2024 au 23/05/2024Lieu : Tours (Site CESR - Centre d'Etudes Supérieures de la Renaissance)
The projected conference is intended to serve as a platform to present and contextualise first, preliminary results of my project “The Afterlife of a Renaissance Genre: A Census of Dissertations in French Libraries 1500-1800”. It will discuss the genre of the dissertation in comparison to other ephemeral genres and modes of scholarly writing (scientific manuscripts, letters) and develop preliminary assessments of their relevance for pertinent disciplines (medicine, law, theology, philosophy). Besides that, we will begin a conversation between experts in DH and domain experts with regard to two questions: What can DH contribute to the analysis of ephemeral genres from the point of view of traditional intellectual history? And to which extent may digital approaches extend and modify existing research traditions, e. g. through the generation of new questions and research areas?
Intervenant(e)s :
- Dr Stefan Heßbrüggen-Walter (LE STUDIUM / FIAS Research Fellow in residence at Centre for Advanced Studies in the Renaissance (CESR) / CNRS, University of Tours)
- Prof. Elena Pierazzo (Centre for Advanced Studies in the Renaissance (CESR) / CNRS, University of Tours)